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task 1


Read the text about Alice in Wonderland. Are the sentences 1-7 true, false or not given? Tick the correct answer. The first one (0) is an example.

Alice’s Adventures is a book by Lewis Carroll. It is about a in Wonderland girl falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world. There she becomes tall and short when she eats and drinks, she finds crazy people and strange animals and she meets the Queen of Hearts, the maddest of them all!

  • 0. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a book.

  • 1. Lewis Carroll wrote many books.

  • 2. The protagonist of the story is a rabbit.

  • 3. Wonderland is a fantasy world.

  • 4. Alice gets to Wonderland through a magic door.

  • 5. In Wonderland, Alice meets strange creatures.

  • 6. Alice becomes older and younger when she eats or drinks.

  • 7. The Queen of Hearts is madder than the other people.



Read the Fancy Dress Party invitation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use a maximum of 4 words. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.

  • 0. What is the theme of the party?

  • 1. When is the party?

  • 2. How do you dress for the party?

  • 3. Where is the party?

  • 4. When does the party finish?

  • 5. What number do you call to confirm?

  • 6. What do you have to bring with you?



Match the films (A-E) with the sentences (1-6). You can use a film more than once. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.

  • 0. This film is about a bad alien.

  • 1. This is the oldest film.

  • 2. This film is about a nice alien.

  • 3. This film has very good special effects.

  • 4. This film is on at 17:00.

  • 5. This film is the first of a series.

  • 6. This film is about robots.



Read the text about an adventure park. Answer the questions (1-6). Use a maximum of 4 words. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.

  • 0. When does this trip take place?

  • 1. What food do you need to bring?

  • 2. What clothes do you need to bring?

  • 3. How long is the trip?

  • 4. What time do you leave in the morning?

  • 5. How much does a teenager pay?

  • 6. How much does an adult member of the Woodpark Recreation Club pay?



Read the text about British schools. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-5. Tick the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example.


This is the most obvious difference between British schools and schools in other countries. Traditional schools have jackets and ties, while more modern schools have polo shirt or sweatshirt with blue or black trousers.
In the UK, students are expected to buy their own bag, uniform (as well as sports kit), pens and pencils, but that’s all. The schools give textbooks and exercise books for free. For the first three years of primary school, all students get free school lunches as well.
British school days start around 9:00 am, usually with a 15 minute break mid-morning, and an hour for lunch, and finish around 3:00 pm.
Many schools have breakfast clubs from 8:00 am or earlier (for students whose parents work full-time) and after-school clubs until 4.30 or 5:00 pm.
Music bands practise during lunchtimes and after school. Often, there are after-school sports practice, and after-school lessons. These clubs and lessons are usually cheap, or free.
British kids usually start school at 5 years old, with pre-school, and they continue until they are 16, when students typically take exams for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (or GCSE). Students in the same class are all the same age. Repeating the year is very rare.

  • 0. In British schools students...

  • 1. In the UK...

  • 2. In British schools...

  • 3. Breakfast clubs are...

  • 4. After school clubs are...

  • 5. At 16, British students...



Read some visitors’ opinions (1-5) about spending the night at the museum and match them with the sentences (A-G). There is one sentence you do not need. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.

  • 0. Boris “… the Aquarium was a wonderful experience! I slept ‘with the sharks’. It was the first time I saw sharks so close!”

  • 1. Matt “At the Natural History Museum you can stay all night and sleep where you want. I slept next to the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the floor was really hard…”

  • 2. Mark “At London Zoo you can do a guided tour by night and feed the animals. I fed the gorillas. They were very hungry!”

  • 3. Leo “It was a very relaxing night at the Aquarium. Watching fish swimming made me sleepy.”

  • 4. Dan “At the British Museum you can learn about thousands of years of history through the workshops. I wore Celtic costumes from prehistoric times.”

  • 5. David “At the Science Museum you can listen to talks by experts. Unfortunately, the talk was about computers and it was boring.”

TRACK 01.1


Listen to Johanna describing a picture. Write the people’s names in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

TRACK 01.2


Listen to two friends talking about a school book. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6. Tick the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

  • 0. What subject are Phil and Claire studying together?

  • 1. When does Phil have Maths?

  • 2. Where is the History book?

  • 3. Where is the Science book?

  • 4. What does Phil find under the bed?

  • 5. What does he need after he finds his book?

  • 6. Where does he find it?

TRACK 01.3


Listen to some children talking about their school subjects. While listening, match the pictures (A-H) with the children’s names (1-5). Write your answers in the boxes. There are two pictures that you do not need. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

  • 0. Brian

  • 1. Robbie

  • 2. Tanya

  • 3. Daniel

  • 4. Mary

  • 5. Maggie

TRACK 01.4


Listen to the conversation between a father and his son. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or d) for questions 1-6. Tick the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

  • 0. Brian wants to go to...

  • 1. Going on holiday with his friends costs...

  • 2. His father says he can’t go because...

  • 3. They are going to Wales...

  • 4. Brian wants to go because...

  • 5. Mr Lawrence is Brian’s...

  • 6. Mr Ferry is teaching them...

TRACK 01.5


Listen to two children talking about organising a party. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-5. Tick the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

  • 0. Who is calling?

  • 1. Where is the party going to be?

  • 2. What time is the party?

  • 3. Which one of these drinks are they NOT buying?

  • 4. What is Walter bringing to the party?

  • 5. What time do the shops close?

TRACK 01.6


Listen to a girl talking about her animals. While listening, answer the questions below. Use a maximum of 4 words. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

  • 0. Where does the girl live?

  • 1. What colour is her dog?

  • 2. What animals live in her pond?
    (Give two answers)

  • 3. How much milk do her goats give every day?

  • 4. What animal did she lose?

  • 5. What animal is she getting next year?

  • 7,8


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